
World and Narrative

It’s 1972, and an ascendant USSR is winning the Cold War against the United States, which has been in decline since a coup in 1933 deposed Franklin Roosevelt and established a fascist government (which almost happened in the real world.) You play as Number 6, one of the Soviet Union’s top secret agents, sent by your superiors to infiltrate the dystopian fortress city of Hiawatha and help spark a revolution by destabilizing an all-powerful corporation called Saturn. Sneak or fight your way through a beautifully ugly city- approach mission objectives your own way- solve problems not puzzles. Use loud, quiet, and nonlethal ways to dispatch enemies; lay traps and spring ambushes, or knock guards unconscious and hide them out of sight. Better yet, slink through the shadows, or find a way to the rooftops and sewers, and pass by like a ghost. Use both mind and matter to infiltrate a diverse array of locations in service to the rebel cause, and discover the world of Spectra.

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Press and Interviews

2D & 3D Art

A Personal Project

Spectra is my passion project- a slow, atmospheric stealth immersive sim inspired by classic video games like Thief II and Deus Ex, films such as Dark City, Brazil, and The Hudsucker Proxy, and books like Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities. I’m the only developer, and so Spectra is projected to take quite a while to complete; I’m committed to creating an incredibly polished and engaging experience with deep emergent systems. The world of Spectra is one that prioritizes interactivity, player agency, and attention to detail. Everything you see here is a work in progress, and represents some of the environments found across a single level. The content featured on this page is from a pre-Alpha build, and so is only an approximation of the final game. As I feel comfortable sharing more progress, I’ll update the photos and videos here. Due to the extended amount of time I predict it will take me to complete Spectra, this page will serve as a portfolio of my work, and will receive intermittent updates.
